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Font Creation

We now have the technology to create fonts. That, combined with our experience with typography is the basis for our new service. Stand out from your competition and have a font created for your business as an extension of your branding. We can even design it to match your existing logo.

R custom font creation

Benefits to having a custom designed font for your business:


• Print and web materials will look unique
• Use it from business cards to your website
• Distribute to all employees to use
• Strengthen all existing designs and collateral
• A truly unique design element - no one else has it
• Gives your business an edge
• Font files are virtually impossible to pirate
• Incorporate your logo into a special character
• Font files work for Mac and PC
• True Type and Open Type formats available

Take advantage of our new font design service, the first in the Lehigh Valley!



All 26 upper case letters



All 26 upper case and lower case letters​



All 26 upper case and lower case letters
Numbers 0 - 9

Special Characters:
! @ # $ % & * ( ) - = + : ; ' " , . ? /
Some dingbats or logo marks



Custom designed emojis, symbols, logos and logo marks (no letters)

We start with hand sketching the letterforms, exploring the possibilities.
With your input and vision, we'll design from the sketches and finally create the actual font files that only you and your staff will have access to!


Click here to download a printable version of our One Sheet which includes all font design information and pricing!

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