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Core Strengths

Why work with Cliff Ross? We are uniquely qualified to execute like no other agency.


At Cliff Ross all printing and design work is done in house. All team members are full time employees. No mercenaries here. By executing your work in house, we have total control over the outcome and meeting your deadlines. We can adjust in real time, bring issues to your attention and keep things moving. Does a band outsource their music? Does a chef outsource his cooking? Does a pilot outsource flying the plane? No.

Broad skill set

Each team member has a varied skill set. Kinda like The A-Team. You're getting one heck of a team on your side.



Broader services that you need and understand

Look at any ad agency's website. Its all the same services: Branding, Design, Interactive. Generic words. Hollow promises. WTF is Brand Quality Assurance & Navigation? Our services are specific, relevant and meaningful. We are constantly introducing new services and products, while letting go of things that don't work anymore.




We work innovation into our day. Its also top of mind. We look for opportunities to innovate on any given project. If you're not innovating, you're dying on the vine. Be wary of ad agencies that are the same old same old...



Cliff's Experience

Cliff's background includes working at a boutique ad agency, Art Director for Electric Factory Concerts in Philadelphia, CD cover design for Collectibles Records, Production Supervisor for Atlantic Skyline and Ad Designer for Philadelphia Weekly. Plus running this business for over 10 years.



Approach to execution

Your project is just as important to us as it is to you. Our hands on, team approach gets results. We understand the mission for each project. We work as a team, bringing our unique skill sets to the table, and you end up getting the best possible result.



Problem solving

There are many experienced designers out there. Anyone can be creative. What separates us is our ability to adapt, improvise and overcome the inevitable problems that pop up during any given project. These problems leave us unfazed. We keep out eye on the goal, not the obstacles.



Turn around time

We understand that getting your project done promptly matters. We know how to execute and we know how to it quickly, without making it looked rushed.



Client relationship approach

At Cliff Ross, we truly care about you and your business. Your success is just as important to us and it is to you. We're here for you. In a pinch? Need advice? Stuck on problem? Need us to stop by? Consider us part of your team. We're on board to see the mission through. We truly care because we love what we do. We want stellar design to be everywhere. We get to know you. We listen. We observe. We execute.



All printing and work is done in house

Not all agencies and print shops can say this. Many agencies out source printing work or have a rag tag bunch of freelancers working out of their bedroom or some foreign country. When things are out sourced, delays happen and much of the execution is out of the hands of the said agency. They're at the mercy of their freelancers. Also, they are lacking in company culture, with no real team. Outsourcing also means you'll be paying more, since you're not getting the work done directly at the source.​

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